Chronic Liver Failure
Chronic liver failure is a serious condition in which the liver gradually loses its ability to function properly. Specialized medical attention is required, as the liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body, producing essential proteins, and regulating metabolism.
Chronic liver failure (CLF), also known as end-stage liver disease, develops over months or years due to prolonged liver damage. The most common cause is cirrhosis, where liver tissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue, impairing function.
Gastroenterology includes both upper abdominal surgery and lower abdominal surgery GastroenterologyLiver Transplant
Karolinska University Hospital runs one of the more extensive liver surgery units in the Nordics, and has a special assignment for liver transplants on behalf of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Both children and adults undergo transplants with excellent results at Karolinska. Liver Transplant
We aim to significantly improve the quality of life for a vast number of patients with various diseases, as well as give new life to those for whom there is no other treatment.