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Liver Transplant

Karolinska University Hospital runs one of the more extensive liver surgery units in the Nordics, and has a special assignment for liver transplants on behalf of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Both children and adults undergo transplants with excellent results at Karolinska.

Transplants for children and adults

Karolinska University Hospital provides liver transplants for both children and adult patients. Special competence is also available for liver transplantation in hemophilia, HIV, and familial amyloid polyneuropathy, as well as in hepatocellular cancer and pediatric transplants. Together with the upper abdominal team, we run one of the most extensive liver surgery units in the Nordics, with more than 200 liver procedures annually.  

Experienced team

Karolinska University Hospital carried out Sweden’s first liver transplant in 1984; since then, more than 2,000 transplants have been performed in total.

Together with Sahlgrenska University Hospital, we are the only healthcare provider in Sweden offering liver transplants. This important mission is run on behalf of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare to centralize highly specialized liver transplant care in order to increase knowledge, quality, and patient safety. 

We aim to significantly improve the quality of life for a vast number of patients with various diseases, as well as give new life to those for whom there is no other treatment.