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Digitalization of Healthcare / EU ambitions and challenges

Start date
Policy & healthcare systems


Policy & healthcare systems
2023-03-27, 01:00 PM
2023-03-27, 06:00 PM
Karolinska University Hospital

About the event

Karolinska University Hospital is hosting an event with panel discussions to address challenges in the EU's healthcare agenda. The purpose of the event is to contribute to the further development of healthcare.

four images of karolinska and stockholm

In conjunction with Sweden's current EU presidency, Karolinska University Hospital is organizing an event highlighting current topics in the EU's healthcare agenda. The purpose of the event is to address the advantages and challenges that the EU and its citizens meet related to healthcare and to discuss how to develop them further.   
The event will be held on March 27 at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna and will feature panel discussions that, among other things, deal with topics such as the digitalization of healthcare, cross-border healthcare, precision medicine, and other trends in the future of diagnostics.  

Target group 
This event is hosted for decision-makers, managers, and other stakeholders within healthcare.

Event agenda

Welcome introduction
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM


  • Björn Zoëga, CEO at Karolinska University Hospital

Part I: Secure access and exchange of health data 
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM

The digitalization of health care provides new and expanded opportunities for collecting as well as sharing health data. A new proposal from the European Commission, the European Health Data Space (EHDS), suggests standards, infrastructure and governance of health data across the union. This panel discusses the EHDS; its core features, the timeline and consequences from the perspectives of patients, national authorities and regional health data holders. 


  • Clara Hellner, R&D Director at Stockholm County Health Care Area


  • Maria Bäcklund-Hassel, Senior International Coordinator at Swedish eHealth Agency
  • Laurent Saunier, The Head of Precision Health at VINNOVA
  • Penilla Gunther, Founder of FOKUS Patient®

Part II: Challenges in precision medicine
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Keynote: Sweden's e-health vision


  • Annemieke Ålenius, Director at Swedish eHealth Agency

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Precision medicine enables more precise diagnostics, more effective treatments, fewer medical side effects and increased survival. 
The key is access to relevant data but there are challenges when sharing and integrating healthcare data. In the area of rare diseases new working methods have been part of the solution, 
and in hematology the translational research has become crucial in developing new treatments. What other trends are there in the future in the area of diagnostics? 


  • Anna Wedell, Professor/Senior Consultant at Karolinska University Hospital


  • Kristina Sonnevi, Senior Consultant at Karolinska University Hospital
  • Mathias Axelsson, Managing Director Medical Diagnostics at Karolinska University Hospital

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Coffee break

Part III Cross boarder healthcare and challenges
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Keynote: EU E-health vision and Cross boarder healthcare


  • Martin Dorazil, Deputy Head of SANTE C1 - Digital Health

3:45 PM - 4:30 PM

EU citizens have the right to access healthcare in any EU country and to be reimbursed for care abroad by their home country. In this part of the event, we are going to address EU proposals to extend scope of eHealth cross-border services to additional cases on the perspective of international patients e.g., full electronic health records, etc.


  • Anna Sahlström, Head of National and International Affairs at Karolinska University Hospital


  • Michel Silvestri, Head of the Unit at Swedish eHealth Agency
  • Peter Gocke, Coordinator of EUHA Digital Health and Data network/Chief Digital Officer at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Anna Bialk-Wolf, Co-founder and President of The Institut of Research and Development of Medical Tourism Gdansk.

Closing remarks
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM


  • Annemieke Ålenius, Director at Swedish eHealth Agency
  • Martin Dorazil, Deputy Head of SANTE C1 - Digital Health
  • Björn Zoëga, CEO at Karolinska University Hospital

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Time for drinks and appetizers

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Register for the event
Anna Sahlström
Head of National and International Affairs at Karolinska University Hospital, EUHA Steering committee member