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Karolinska University Hospital assumes the presidency of EUHA

During the presidency, which extends until June 2024, Karolinska will prioritize two of healthcare's major challenges: competence supply and efficiency. The models developed by Karolinska in these areas may now be disseminated to more hospitals within EUHA.
Björn Zoëga, CEO Karolinska University Hospital and Heyo Kroemer, CEO of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Photo: © Charité | Sabine Gudath

EUHA, the European University Hospitals Alliance, consists of ten leading university hospitals in Europe. The alliance works towards high-quality healthcare through research and education, aiming for improved health outcomes and sustainable European healthcare systems. The presidency alternates, and on November 10th, Karolinska takes over from Charité - Universitätsmedizin in Berlin.

– I want to thank Charité for an excellent presidency, especially regarding the strengthening of collaboration between EUHA and the EU. The ten leading university hospitals aim to become even more clearly recognized as partners in advancing improved health and strengthened healthcare for all residents within the EU, says Björn Zoëga, CEO of Karolinska University Hospital and President of EUHA.

The work within EUHA is conducted through various networks and working groups. Among the areas covered are gene and cell therapy in cancer, nursing, digital health, and research. During the presidency, Karolinska will place extra emphasis on competence supply and efficiency. In these areas, Karolinska has developed so-called "Karolinska models" that other hospitals within EUHA may implement.

In the competence supply domain, the Karolinska model involves a central function supporting operations with data analysis related to, for example, needs and access to various competencies, while the operations are responsible for recruitment. The Karolinska model for efficiency includes, for instance, production planning, scheduling, as well as analysis and follow-up.

– Competence supply and increased efficiency are crucial for European healthcare to fulfill its mission in the future. To succeed and accelerate the transformation we are undergoing, it is important that we learn from each other. I am pleased that the experiences and approaches we have developed at Karolinska can be of benefit to more university hospitals, says Björn Zoëga.


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Facts / EUHA

The European University Hospitals Alliance, EUHA, was founded in 2017 and currently has ten leading university hospitals as members. EUHA's mission is to drive quality and innovation in healthcare, research, and education by comparing outcomes, exchanging knowledge among staff, and collaborating in research and innovation. EUHA aims to highlight the role of university hospitals in healthcare systems and offer its expertise to policymakers and officials in the field. Additionally, EUHA seeks to collaborate with industry, patient representatives, and other stakeholders.

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