EUHA Clinical Researcher Program

The stay should last from 1 to 6 months (concluding before December 31, 2023) and will be funded through Karolinska University Hospital's research and development funds. Granted funds will be managed by the research and development group associated with the relevant department.
The project can be carried out at one of the five EUHA University Hospitals listed below:
- Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
- Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- Greater Paris University Hospitals, Paris, France
- Universtitätsklinikum AKH Wien – Med Uni Wien, Vienna, Austria
Requirements for the application
- Applicant must be under 45 years old and employed or otherwise affiliated with Karolinska University Hospital.
- Description of the visit and project (maximum 4 pages, Times New Roman font, font size 11, single spacing).
- A concise budget in Word table format.
- Invitation from the research group at the receiving EUHA hospital.
- Scientific curriculum vitae (CV) of maximum 2 pages (Times New Roman font, font size 11, single spacing).
- List of up to 10 of the applicant's most relevant publications.
- Approval to apply from the department head or equivalent.
The application should be sent to Paolo Parini, Head of Research and Development, National and International Affairs, Karolinska University Hospital ( no later than July 15, 2023 and granted funds will be announced by July 30, 2023.
The applications will be evaluated by Annika Tibell and Paolo Parini, as well as by 1–2 research and development heads from unrelated departments.
All applications are assessed based on the following three criteria:
- Scientific quality and potential of the proposed project.
- Feasibility of the project.
- Significance for long-term collaboration within EUHA.
Applicants who already have the opportunity to take research leave from clinical work will be given priority.
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EUHA is composed of leading European university hospitals with demonstrated expertise in healthcare, education, and research. One of EUHA's goals is to promote excellence and innovation in healthcare, research, and education. The alliance collaborates in research and development projects by comparing practices and patient outcomes, as well as providing opportunities for knowledge exchange among its staff.
For further inquiries regarding EUHA, please contact Anna Sahlström: anna.sahlströ
For additional questions, please contact Paolo Parini:, phone: +46 704 562 192.