Karolinska University Hospital adopts strategy for nursing

Karolinska University Hospital aims to lead the development of future nursing. On International Nurses Day, May 12, the hospital is now launching its first nursing strategy. The strategy will drive the development of the profession, increase the rate of innovation, lead to strengthened improvement work and offer high quality person-centered, evidence-based care.
- The nursing strategy is crucial for the development of the hospital and the care we offer. Through the strategy, we strengthen nursing and make better use of the skills of our nurses and assistant nurses. In this way, we also strengthen the teamwork required to provide our patients with the best possible care, says Björn Zoëga, CEO of Karolinska University Hospital.
- By focusing on the leadership and mandate in each employee's daily work, maintaining a high level of nursing competence close to the patients and developing new competencies, we contribute to a sustainable working life and high-quality care, says Yvonne Wengström, Director of Nursing Development at the Cancer Theme.

The strategy has been developed within the hospital's strategic nursing forum where all Karolinska's Directors of Care Units, Head of Care Units and Care Team Managers are gathered.
- It feels fantastic to be able to launch our joint strategy and as a next step concretizing it in our work. An important part, in addition to leadership and competence, is to take advantage of the development of new technology and integrate it into everyday life, says Katarina Meijers, Director of Acute and Reparative Medicine Care Unit.
- The nursing strategy includes four different areas: leadership, professional development, innovation and improvement, and excellent nursing based on measurable results.
- The Strategic Nursing Forum works together at a hospital-wide level with visions for nursing, R&D, work environment, patient safety and quality.
- Since 2020, Karolinska has worked according to a so-called two-legged organization with two types of operational directors who interact within a medical unit; one Director of Medical Unit and one Director of Care Unit.
- Patient surveys from 2022 show that 94 percent of patients at Karolinska rate their overall experience of care as good or very good.
- Newsweek magazine ranks Karolinska University Hospital as Europe's most outstanding hospital in 2023 and number six in the world.