Positive financial result for Karolinska University Hospital three years in a row

The hospital has produced 4.2% more care than ordered by Region Stockholm. In parallel with the high delivery of care to Stockholmers, the number of patients from other regions and other countries has increased, from 64,397 healthcare contacts in 2021 to 75,029 in 2022, an increase of 16%. The total number of healthcare contacts in 2022 amounted to 1,476,427, an increase of 4% compared to 2021.
“Our employees have worked hard in 2022 and this results in a stable economy. Apart from the very special pandemic year 2020, Karolinska has never taken care of more patients than last year. It is extremely important to make up for the care that was postponed during the pandemic, but also to ensure that the most gravely ill get help in time,” says Björn Zoëga, CEO of Karolinska University Hospital.
“I am proud of what we at Karolinska have achieved, and pleased that the strategic direction the hospital has been following since 2019 is producing results. We are gradually shifting more and more decisions to those who meet our patients. We are reducing our administration and simplifying our processes. With a stable economy, we can continue to invest and develop care for our patients,” says Björn Zoëga.
In 2021, Karolinska's positive result amounted to SEK 740 million and turnover to SEK 25.1 billion. The explanation for the differences in profit and turnover between 2021 and 2022 is primarily that the impact of COVID-19 was greater in 2021.