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SingHealth Delegation visits Karolinska University Hospital to shape the future of sustainable Healthcare

Karolinska University Hospital recently had the pleasure of hosting a delegation from Singapore’s SingHealth, leading to an engaging exchange on healthcare innovation, sustainability, and patient care.
Photo: Fredric Möller Eklund.

Karolinska's CEO, Christophe Pedroletti, welcomed the delegation with an inspiring overview of the hospital’s mission and vision. He emphasized our commitment to world-class healthcare, research, and education, with a strong focus on innovation. The dialogue set the stage for a series of insightful presentations that highlighted Karolinska’s work across multiple areas.

Christophe Pedroletti, CEO, Karolinska University Hosital,  Anna Sahlström, Head of National and International Affairs, Karolinska University Hospital, Fong Kok Yong, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (Medical and Clinical Services), SingHealth. Photo: Natalia Adolfsson.


Sustainability was a central theme during the visit, with Kankou Müller, Karolinska University Hospital’s Climate and Sustainability Analyst, leading the discussion. Müller shared the hospital’s holistic approach to sustainability, rooted in its core values of responsibility, compassion, and forward-thinking care for future generations. “Sustainability must permeate every aspect of our operations,” she noted, adding that Karolinska’s Sustainability Policy ensures that healthcare, research, and education are delivered in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible way.

Karolinska is actively working on sustainability in line with Region Stockholm’s sustainability goals to create an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable healthcare system by, for example, minimizing resource waste within the hospital environment and initiating projects aimed at reducing the  carbon footprint and promoting public health.

Kankou Müller, Climate and Sustainability Analyst, Karolinska University Hospital. Photo: Natalia Adolfsson.


Among the event’s highlights was the presentation led by Katarina Meijers, Director of Nursing, and Peter Håkansson, Head of Biomedical Engineering, who presented Karolinska@home—an innovative initiative bringing high-quality care directly to patients’ homes. They explained how the project is reshaping the patient experience, improving both care effectiveness and cost efficiency, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and quality.

Peter Håkansson and Katarina Meijers
Peter Håkansson, Head of Biomedical Engineering and Katarina Meijers, Director of Nursing, Karolinska University Hospital. Photo: Natalia Adolfsson.


The visit concluded with productive discussions that highlighted mutual goals and laid the groundwork for future collaboration between Karolinska and SingHealth, as we both look towards a more sustainable and innovative future in healthcare.


Group photo of participants from SingHealth, Business Sweden, Swecare Foundation and Karolinska University Hospital. Photo: Natalia Adolfsson.


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