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Innovation management

We develop the field of innovation management within the hospital context and offer training on how to drive innovation from within a healthcare organization. We also offer constructive counselling and coaching to personnel and partners.

people talking around table

Innovation is a necessity to stay in the forefront and continue to provide cutting edge care. Therefore, Karolinska systematically improves the conditions for driving innovation based on healthcare needs.

Developing the field of innovation management

Our Center for Innovation is constantly building new knowledge in the field of innovation management, with a specific focus on how to support systematic innovation within the context of a university hospital.

To stay cutting edge, we must push the boundaries of healthcare, not only when it comes to developing new treatments and technologies, but we also need to re-invent how we drive innovation and form collaborations.

Educate to innovate

We also offer innovation courses to healthcare professionals at Karolinska as well as to other stakeholders in healthcare. We provide training for managers and employees interested in innovation in healthcare, from the very basics to courses with operational or strategic focuses.

Our courses are based on best practices, research, the global standard for innovation management and our own experience.

Implementing an Innovation Management System

We are currently implementing an innovation management system to support systematic innovation at Karolinska University Hospital. The aim is to enhance capabilities and support structures in the entire organization, and to ensure a systems perspective and become an even more attractive partner for joint innovation

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