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Partnerships and alliances

We form partnerships and alliances with international organizations to increase learning opportunities through long-term relationships. Collaborations are established on a Nordic, European, and global level.

The international collaborations we participate in are one of the reasons for Karolinska’s great success in healthcare and medicine. Even though our facilities are located in Sweden, we operate in a global context, and our expertise, innovations, and working methods are all influenced by relationships with other hospitals, organizations, universities, and research groups worldwide. We see Karolinska as a global resource, both in terms of offering care to patients and also in terms of fellowships, training, and exchanges. Our collaborations are based on good relationships and mutual agreements, and we always manage business with a high level of integrity and respect. We have a zero-tolerance policy in regard to bribery and corruption.

Our ambition is to create a hospital attractive to Swedish and international patients, students, and employees. In order to remain a world-leading university hospital and to develop new and better treatments, we must continue to pursue our ambitious research and development work. International patients, students, and employees are important contributing pieces of the puzzle to ensure that we gather enough expertise.

Landspitali University Hospital

Our collaboration with Landspítali University Hospital in Iceland includes both patients and healthcare staff.

 "De fire regionale helseforetak"

We receive Norwegian patients and delegations wanting to learn more about Karolinska's operations.

Tampere University Hospital

A strategic partnership in Finland to learn best practices from each other. 

Aarhus University Hospital

Together with Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, we share a passion for innovation and learning from each other. 

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA)

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) is a European organization including ten leading European university hospitals working together to develop and improve university hospital care for patients and healthcare workers.

International Hospital Federation (IHF)

IHF is an organization providing its 130 members with a platform for knowledge exchange and networking with different actors in the health sector.

Mayo Clinic 

A conference is arranged for employees at the Mayo Clinic, Karolinska Institutet, and Karolinska University Hospital annually. The purpose is to explore common challenges and share "best practices.

Brigham Women’s Hospital

Karolinska University Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School jointly have agreed on a memorandum of understanding to promote close collaboration.